Digital platforms - impact and benefits for SMEs

At the event "Digital Platforms - Effects and Benefits for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" on September 18, 2019, the Fraunhofer IMW eStandards 4.0 Competence Center at the Fraunhofer IMW answered questions about the trend of platform economics. In presentations and an interactive practical part, the participating medium-sized companies learned about the potential that can be exploited by digital platforms.

The Data Mining and Value Creation project also made a contribution to this. Prof. Dr. Gebauer and Alexander Arzt posed a fundamental question for companies with a digital affinity in their lecture "IoT platforms - opportunity or risk for our medium-sized businesses?". The lecture did not only explain what exactly hides behind the term IoT platform. The two scientists also explained how SMEs can use such platforms to create value for themselves. In particular, they highlighted the importance and effects of innovations.